iTS MOViNG DAY!!  Adley Niko and Navey pack up boxes for a room switch! our new house & the sign

iTS MOViNG DAY!! Adley Niko and Navey pack up boxes for a room switch! our new house & the sign

It's happening... JOIN OUR FAM!! --- Best New House Day Ever 1372 Start packing everyone, cause today is the day we are finally moving into our new house. Adley, Niko, and Navey have been putting their stuff in boxes to take over. We then set up the ultimate slide going down the stairs! So once the kiddos boxes are ready, they send the box down where mom or dad get it, and we organize it, so we can take it to the house and get it unpacked in the right spot when we get over there. It's not a 45ft slide, but that doesn't stop the kiddos from going down and landing on a pile of stuffies lol. We head upstairs to do a room check! We start in Niko Bear's room, where we think about some of the amazing memories we have made in there, like our Halloween tradition of trick or treating inside Dracula Dad's house or when its someone's birthday and we wake them up by throwing balloons on them. We can't wait to make family memories in the new house, i gotta say, we made a lot here. We go into Navey' room where its so clean and with the room switch, Navey gets a big girl bed!! When we move over to Adley's room we talk about how her house bed and club house are staying here, so when someone comes and visits, they get to experience those two iconic pieces in Adley's room. Adley needs some help packing up her dresser, so we grab some boxes and start to help. Jenny also finds a box of toys that we need to sort for the digital garage sale that we are going to have. While we are looking, we find toys like Barbie's that we did a video about, but maybe didn't get a chance to play with (we have been lucky and these toy companies send us more toys than we can handle). So Adley and the kiddos decide what we should keep, what have special meaning to us, and what we can share in with you guys in the garage sale. Adley loads up a box of stuffies, ones that we are going to keep and she is ready to send it down the slide. All these stuffies coming down the stairs reminded me of the scene from our purple carpet even film "Lost in the Movies"! With everything packs we all jump in the Spacestation truck and Jenny's Tesla and go to the new house to start unloading boxes. We do a quick little house tour with updates like the new beds and cool forts we have built in the ultimate play room downstairs. Adley helps me and Jenny bring in boxes and while we do, I jump scare Jenny and Adley by hiding behind a corner then jump out! I little prank but very funny. With all the boxes in, we head to Adley's new room where we start opening and unboxing things. Navey helps Adley and I move her bed where it's going to be. Somehow we start talking about the Sims, maybe our new favorite game to play as a family. Adley is so smart, she has figured out how to move our custom house into any map we play. So we decide when we get done moving, we are going to head back to the Best Stay Ever house and play video games on our G for Gaming computers. Cause after a hard day of moving, we've earned a little gaming reward!! \\\\ Watch Adley's last video: TRiCKY FAiRY POTiON for PiRATE DAD!! Adley's Secret Plan to find new Hidden Gold and Beach Diamonds --    • TRiCKY FAiRY POTiON for PiRATE DAD!! ...   Watch yesterday's Best Day Ever: SNEAKY KiDS vs NiNJA DAD!! Adley is making our Digital Garage Sale for you & SSG helps Utah Esports --    • SNEAKY KiDS vs NiNJA DAD!!  Adley is ...   //// snag some sweet Spacestation merch --- Find me on any social media @Shonduras!! Don't forget to get Adley's free apps: UNICORN CATCH Apple -- Google Play Store -- ADLEY'S PLAYSPACE Apple -- Google Play Store -- Best Music Ever: FUN WITH ADLEY:    / @aforadley   DAD'S SPACESTATION: FAMILY INSTAGRAMS:   / shonduras     / jennymcbride     / adleymcbride     / nikobearmcbride     / naveymcbride   highfive (leave a highfive in the comments if you read this far)