Grow These 30 House Plants WITHOUT Soil

Grow These 30 House Plants WITHOUT Soil

Discover 30 easy indoor plants that can grow without soil in this video! From spider plants to peace lilies, these soil-free house plants are perfect for any home. -------------------- Join my FREE Facebook GroupπŸ‘‰ Β Β /Β thelecaqueenΒ Β  -------------------- Buy me a β˜•οΈ πŸ‘‰ -------------------- Exclusive Bonus Content πŸ‘‰ -------------------- Nutrients Foliage Focus πŸ‘‰ Use code Thelecaqueen for a 10% discount -------------------- Grow lights MotherLife Plant Spectrum πŸ‘‰ Use code THELECAQUEEN for $10 off Soltech Grow Lights πŸ‘‰ Enter code FABULOUS for 15% discount Barrina Grow Lights πŸ‘‰ -------------------- Light Meter House Plant Journal LTH Meter πŸ‘‰ Enter code LECAQUEEN10 for 10% discount -------------------- Pots Naked Root Planter πŸ‘‰ Use code LECAQUEEN20 for a 20% discount Leafy Brand Ultimate Pot Set πŸ‘‰ Use code lecaqueen10 for a 10% discount -------------------- Plant accessories Leafy Brand Poles, Trellises, Stakes πŸ‘‰ Use code lecaqueen15 for a 15% discount -------------------- Products I use or recommend to care for plants πŸ‘‰ Amazon Store: πŸ‘‰ List of recommended products πŸ‘‰ VIDEO CONTENTS: 0:00 Introduction 0:27 NASA's Soil-Free Plant Growth in Space 0:49 Overview of Substrates for Soil-Free Growth 1:04 African Violet 2:24 Albuca 'Frizzle Sizzle' 3:05 Geoppertia Orbifolia (Prayer Plant) 4:29 Geoppertia 'White Fusion' Variegated Variation 5:14 Alocasia 'Black Velvet' 6:11 Alocasia 'Ebony' 7:08 Philodendron Birkin 8:12 Hoya Snowball Splash 9:10 Alocasia Melo 10:05 Philodendron Spiritus Sancti 11:16 Bird of Paradise 12:13 Blue Star Fern 13:04 Desert Rose 14:24 Epiphyllum 'Curly Sue' (Orchid Cactus) 15:17 Fiddle Leaf Fig (Ficus Lyrata) 16:44 Philodendron Tortum 17:37 Rabbit Foot Fern 18:34 Spider Plant 19:24 Hoya Carnosa Compacta (Rope Plant) 20:13 Hoya Heuschkeliana Variegata 21:07 Hoya Krimson Queen 22:09 Monstera Adansonii Variegated 23:08 Monstera Albo (Variegated Monstera Deliciosa) 24:15 Monstera Aurea 25:13 Monstera Deliciosa 26:37 Philodendron Florida Ghost 27:39 Philodendron Jose Buono 28:42 Scindapsus Pictus Exotica (Satin Pothos) 29:32 Thaumatophyllum Bipinnatifidum 30:16 ZZ Plant Akebono 30 Easy Indoor Plants To Grow Without Soil