가평 자라섬 꽃페스타 꽃축제 Festa of Flowers

가평 자라섬 꽃페스타 꽃축제 Festa of Flowers

Flower festival of Jara Island in Gapyeong 형형색색 꽃들의 향연! ‘가평 자라섬 꽃 페스타’ 축제 현장을 드론 영상으로 담았습니다 A feast of colorful flowers! I captured the festival site of ‘Gapyeong Jarasum Flower Festa’ as a drone video ★ Filming and editing overview - Drone : PANTOM 4 PRO+ V2 0 - Edit Program : Adobe Premiere Pro 2023 - MUSIC SOURCE : ARTLIST - Artlist Song : ‘Make Me Wanna Move’ created by Raz Burg 이 영상은 드론 원스톱( ‘비행승인’ 및 ‘항공사진 촬영 승인’을 받은 후에 촬영하였습니다 This video was taken after receiving ‘flight approval’ and ‘air photography approval’ at Drone OneStop ( #가평_자라섬_남도_꽃정원_꽃축제 #가평자라섬 #꽃페스타