RGPV Data Science (DS) B.Tech 4th Sem 2nd  Year Syllabus | Road Map for B.Tech DS 4th Sem

RGPV Data Science (DS) B.Tech 4th Sem 2nd Year Syllabus | Road Map for B.Tech DS 4th Sem

RGPV Data Science (DS) B.Tech 4th Sem 2nd Year Syllabus | Road Map for B.Tech DS 4th Sem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDUCATION POINT CODING -    / @educationpointcoding   EDUCATION POINT ONLINE APP : Android - http://on-app.in/app/home?orgCode=kaeql I Phone - Download Class Plus App and Use ORG Code "KAEQL" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discrete Structure & Linear Algebra RGPV B.Tech 4th Sem for AIML & DS Syllabus -    • Discrete Structure & Linear Algebra R...   RGPV Analysis Design of Algorithm (ADA) Playlist -    • RGPV Analysis Design of Algorithm (AD...   RGPV Software Engineering (SE) Playlist -    • RGPV Software Engineering (SE) RGPV B...   RGPV Operating Systems (OS) Playlist -    • RGPV Operating Systems (OS) RGPV B.Te...   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B.Tech 1st Year Playlist Mathematics 1 playlist -    • Mathematics - 1 (M-1) RGPV B.Tech  1s...   Mathematics 2 (M-2) RGPV Playlist -    • RGPV Mathematics 2 (M-2) B.Tech 2nd S...   RGPV English for Communication (Communication Skills) B.Tech 1st Year Playlist -    • RGPV English for Communication (Commu...   RGPV Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering (BEEE) B.Tech 1st Year Playlist -    • RGPV Basic Electrical & Electronics E...   RGPV Basic Civil Engineering & Engineering Mechanics B.Tech 1st Year Playlist -    • RGPV Basic Civil Engineering & Engine...   RGPV Basic Computer Engineering B.Tech 1st Year Playlist -    • RGPV Basic Computer Engineering B.Tec...   RGPV Engineering Chemistry 1st Year Playlist -    • RGPV Engineering Chemistry B.Tech 1st...   RGPV Engineering Physics 1st Year Playlist -    • RGPV Engineering Physics B.Tech 1st Y...   Engineering Graphics Demo Playlist -    • Engineering  Graphics (ED) / Engineer...   Engineering Mechanics Playlist Link -    • Engineering Mechanics   Basic Mechanical Engg RGPV Playlist -    • Basic Mechanical Engineering RGPV B.T...   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The B.Tech 4th Semester syllabus for Data Science (DS) at Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya (RGPV) includes the following courses: CD401: Introduction to Discrete Structure & Linear Algebra Topics Covered: Set Theory, Relations, Functions, Theorem Proving Techniques, Algebraic Structures, Recurrence Relations, Generating Functions, Propositional Logic, and more. CD402: Analysis & Design of Algorithms Topics Covered: Algorithm Definitions, Time and Space Complexity, Recurrence Solving Techniques, Divide and Conquer Techniques, and various Sorting Algorithms. CD403: Software Engineering Topics Covered: Software Development Life Cycle, Software Design, Implementation, and Project Management Techniques. CD405: Operating Systems Topics Covered: Operating System Concepts, Process Management, Memory Management, File Management, I/O Management, and more. AD404: Data Science Topics Covered: Data Science Fundamentals, Data Analysis Techniques, Statistical Methods, and Data Visualization.