My Husband Flirts On Facebook | Paul Friedman
What will you do if your husband flirts on Facebook? Watch Paul explains what you need to do to properly deal with your husband about it. I'm trusting you when you say he's flirting that you're not overly jealous and reading too much into things that he may say or things that he may do. And I'm trusting you on that and that your husband is actually flirting on Facebook so let's take a look at what that means from your husband's point of view that you would be aware of this. Because you're probably not going into his Facebook account you just aren't noticing this and if you're noticing it other people are noticing it too and you can lovingly call to his attention that it hurts your feelings and don't make a big deal of it. Don't make it a big drama, "Oh, you hurt my feelings," but just let them know and say, "I married you. I love you. You're my husband." And when I see you flirting with women and you could even add or maybe you don't think you're flirting but women think you're flirting with them. "It makes me feel less valuable to you and I want you to know that." Don't forbid him to do this. Don't tell him what to do. I'm really big on free will because true love has to be based in free will or it's not true love. You can't be compelled to love somebody and completely open your heart to them same for your husband. Your husband should be wanting you almost desperately out of love. Because you blow them away with your kindness, with your sweetness, with your love. We've come to expect husbands and wives to treat each other disrespectfully and it's wrong. It's not how it's supposed to be. In fact, over-familiarity which means speaking without respect, maybe nagging, complaining, criticizing. Those kinds of things are expected. We get people who write into us and they go, "I don't think that we argue correctly." Oh my God. You shouldn't be arguing at all. This is the person who you married. Why? To be happy and not just happy on your wedding day but to be happier every single day of your life, happier than the day before. You don't get there by complaining to each other, by bickering, by arguing, by outdoing one another. You get there by infusing, controlling yourself, recognizing what makes a marriage work and controlling yourself and infusing into your marriage. Meaning your spouse, only love, only love. Whatever passes your lips should be loving. Whenever he sees your smile it should be free for him. He should never see you frowning towards him. He should be your safety. Learn to love unconditionally that's what marriage is all about. So again, don't beat him up for it but let him know and then that's it, and then work on infusing love into your marriage so the last thing he wants to do is hurt your feelings. If he loves you and you have that kind of relationship and he loves you because you're so sweet and kind and loving he's not going to want to hurt your feelings and that's the truth. #marriageproblems #angermanagement #marriageanddivorce #marriagewithoutdivorce #frustratedwoman #unhappywife