15 Trees You CAN'T GROW or BRING INDOORS – Bad Luck, Blocking Wealth! Remove Them Now!

15 Trees You CAN'T GROW or BRING INDOORS – Bad Luck, Blocking Wealth! Remove Them Now!

Are the plants in your home secretly draining your wealth and happiness? According to Feng Shui, certain plants don’t just decorate your space—they attract misfortune, financial struggles, and even family conflicts! If you’ve been feeling constant stress, facing unexpected money problems, or sensing negativity in your home, your choice of plants could be the culprit. In this video, we reveal 15 plants that invite bad luck, block prosperity, and disrupt harmony—and what you should have instead to welcome wealth, success, and positive energy! Don’t let the wrong greenery ruin your fortune—watch now! #buddhistteachings #fengshuitips #energybalance #homedecor