2024-04-21- 7:00 pm Fourth Sunday of Easter -- Good Shepherd Sunday

2024-04-21- 7:00 pm Fourth Sunday of Easter -- Good Shepherd Sunday

Good evening and welcome to the celebration of the Holy Mass for the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time. This Sunday is also Good Shepherd Sunday and the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. There is a lot to pray for! We have often heard Jesus tell us that he is the Good Shepherd. He is the God Shepherd who protects and cares for us. He looks after his flcok to the point of death. He is the stone that the builders rejected but he became our cornerstone. How do we respond as a member of his beloved flock? Do we follow him out of love for his care for us? In our Second Reading from 1 John, we are reminded that we are children of God. If we only knew the gift that this really is. We are so privileged to be called sons and daughters of God. O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his steadfast love endures forever!