Punctuation Mark: Full stop | A Simple Guide to Perfect Sentences! #GrammarTips #FullStop
Punctuation Mark: Full stop When we speak, we can pause or stop. But, when we write, we use different punctuation marks like comma and full stop to tell the reader when to pause or stop. Full stop looks like a dot. We use full stop at the end of a sentence to show that the sentence is complete. In this lesson, you have learnt the use of full stop. The full stop looks like a dot. The full stop is used to indicate the end of a sentence. #GrammarTips #EnglishLearning #FullStop #PunctuationMarks #WritingSkills #LearnEnglish #GrammarMadeEasy #EnglishLessons #SentenceStructure #LanguageTips Subscribe: / learningmavericks Instagram: / learningmavericks Facebook: / learningmavericks