A Guide to Feeding Raw Grinds to Your Ferret (how to tell if they're balanced)

A Guide to Feeding Raw Grinds to Your Ferret (how to tell if they're balanced)

Today I wanted to talk a bit about how to tell if the grinds you're looking at are balanced for ferrets. With raw feeding becoming more popular, I've seen a lot of new companies popping up! Grinds are an awesome solution to people who want to feed raw but either don't have the time to prep or are concerned about balancing their own meals. I fed grinds to my ferrets for my first few months on raw and I loved how convenient they were and how easy they were to feed. Unfortunately, not all grinds are created equal. I've seen quite a few grinds that aren't balanced for ferrets, and would therefore be unsafe to feed them. FEAR NOT - This video will give you all the info you need to avoid grinds like that! ❤️ Like, comment, and subscribe to become a citizen of the Friendly Neighborhood ❤️ TIMESTAMPS: 0:00- 2:25 introduction 2:25 - 7:01 basic rules for grinds 7:01 - 8:45 80-10-10 8:45 - 10:17 organ meats 10:17 - 11:48 misconceptions about “whole prey” grinds 11:48 - 18:16 misconceptions about taurine deficiencies 18:16 - 20:02 conclusion SOCIAL MEDIA: 🌸 instagram - @friendly.neighborhood.ferrets 🌸 twitter - @fnf_ferrets 🌸 tumblr - friendlyneighborhoodferrets.tumblr.com 🌸 my discord server (16+) -   / discord   SUPPORT MY CHANNEL: 🌸Friendly Neighborhood Business Boxes on my etsy: https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/FNFerrets 🌸Tip me on ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/friendlyneighborhoo... CREDITS: 🌸 Icon - https://picrew.me/image_maker/257476 SOURCES: 🌸 What counts as secreting organ: https://holisticferret.com/natural-di... 🌸 Online calculator to figure out Dry Matter Basis (if you don’t want to do the math yourself): http://fnae.org/dmb.html 🌸 How to manually calculate Dry Matter Basis: http://www.petconnection.ca/how-much-... 🌸 Perfectly Rawesome on taurine in raw diets for cats: https://perfectlyrawsome.com/cats/pre... 🌸 Why cats (and ferrets) need taurine: https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pe... 🌸 U.S. National Research Council Ad Hoc Committee on Dog and Cat Nutrition, Nutrient Requirements of Dogs and Cats, 2006, 137 🌸 Biology and Diseases of the Ferret by James G. Fox and Robert P. Marini 3rd edition 🌸 "The Definitive Guide to Feeding Your Pet a Raw Food Diet" by Brenda Hagel