Sunday, July 31, 2022 9:00 a.m.
Eighth Sunday after Pentecost The Miracle of Casita - Rev. Jasmine Smart Worship/Music Notes On the final Sunday in our Psalms for the Summer Series, we are encouraged to “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord!” as we focus on Psalm 100. In the Garden service, we open with the prelude A Simple Song, by Leonard Bernstein. One of the more popular excerpts from his Mass, the piece opens with a vibrant open strum from the guitar and an exhortation to “sing God a simple song!” It also quotes Psalm 139, “I will lift up my eyes to the hills,” and ends with playful flourish on “laude,” the Latin word for “praise,” and a confirmation that we will praise the Lord “all of our days.” Our opening song of praise is How Great Is Our God, by Chris Tomlin, that gives imagery of the majestic nature of God, and how he is “worthy of all our praise.” The soloist sings a joyful setting of the traditional spiritual You Can Tell the World, about what Jesus has done, and how “he brought joy to my soul.” Our closing hymn is Make a Joyful Noise to God! (a setting of Psalm 66), sung to the familiar Dix tune of For the Beauty of the Earth, another exhortation to praise and “lift a thankful voice for God’s mercies.” Copyright Information You Can Tell The World Margaret Bonds © 1946 Mutual Music Society, Inc. A Simple Song from Mass Leonard Bernstein © 1971 Amberson Holdings LLC and Stephen Schwarz Leonard Bernstein Music Company LLC. Psalm 100 (Jubilate Deo) Robert N. Roth © 1958 Canyon Press, Inc.