Mary had a little lamb | Nursery rhymes | @CoComelon @kidstv #youtube #youtubevideo #doodookidz
"Mary Had a Little Lamb" is a classic nursery rhyme and children's poem that tells the story of a young girl named Mary and her faithful companion, a small white lamb. The poem, originally written by Sarah Josepha Hale in the 19th century, describes how the lamb follows Mary to school one day, causing a bit of a commotion. The simplicity and charm of this poem have made it a beloved piece of children's literature for generations, teaching young readers about friendship and the bond between humans and animals. #nurseryrhyme #maryhadalittlelamb #cocomelon Mary Had a Little Lamb Nursery Rhyme Mary Had a Little Lamb Song Children’s Rhyme Kids Poem Nursery Rhymes for Children” Preschool Song Children’s Sing-Along Mary Had a Little Lamb Lyrics Kids Songs Animated Nursery Rhyme Kids Poems Children’s Poetry Nursery Rhymes Kids Poetry Collection Preschool Poems Children’s Rhymes Funny Kids Poems Educational Poems for Kids Animated Kids Poems Popular Kids Poems LYRICS: MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb. Mary had a little lamb, its fleece was white as snow. And everywhere that Mary went. Mary went. Mary went. And everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go. It followed her to school one day, school one day, school one day. It followed her to school one day, which was against the rule. Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb. Mary had a little lamb, its fleece was white as snow. Once upon a time, in a quaint little village nestled among rolling green hills, there lived a sweet young girl named Mary. Mary was known far and wide for her gentle heart and radiant smile. But what endeared her to everyone, young and old alike, was her constant companion, a fluffy white lamb named Snowflake. Mary and Snowflake were inseparable. Wherever Mary went, Snowflake was sure to follow, their bond stronger than anything else in the world. The villagers often marveled at the sight of Mary and her little lamb strolling through the meadows, the embodiment of innocence and friendship. One sunny morning, as Mary and Snowflake frolicked in the fields, a brilliant idea popped into Mary's head. She wanted to share the joy and warmth her beloved lamb brought her with the entire village. So, she decided to take Snowflake to school with her. As she led Snowflake to the schoolyard, the other children couldn't believe their eyes. A lamb in school? It was unheard of! But Mary's teacher, Miss Thompson, recognized the potential for a unique lesson. She allowed Snowflake to stay, and the classroom filled with laughter and wonder. The children took turns petting Snowflake's soft wool and learning about her care. Mary explained how she had found Snowflake abandoned during a fierce winter storm and had nursed her back to health. The children were captivated by Mary's tale and her special friendship with Snowflake. As the day progressed, Mary and Snowflake became the heart of the classroom. The students sang songs, and Snowflake's gentle bleats seemed to harmonize with their voices. Mary's joy was contagious, and her lamb's presence lifted the spirits of everyone present. Word of the extraordinary school day spread throughout the village, and parents and neighbors gathered to see the heartwarming spectacle. They watched as Mary and Snowflake danced together in the schoolyard, a radiant display of their unbreakable bond. That evening, Mary and Snowflake returned home, their hearts full of gratitude and happiness. Mary had not only shared her little lamb with the village but had also taught everyone a valuable lesson about kindness, compassion, and the extraordinary friendships that can be found in the most unexpected places. Years passed, and Mary and Snowflake remained inseparable, their story becoming a cherished legend in the village. Snowflake grew into a majestic ewe, and Mary became known as the girl with the lamb who had stolen the hearts of all who knew her. And so, in the picturesque village with rolling green hills, Mary and Snowflake continued to live out the beautiful tale that would be told for generations to come, a testament to the enduring power of love and friendship. #nurseryrhyme #babyshark #maryhadalittlelamb #cocomelon #childrensrhyme #childrenssong #chuchutv #supersimplesong #maryhadalittlelambkiddieok #maryhadalittlelambkindergarten #kidsrhymes #rhymes #kids #nurseryrhymes #baby #kidslearning #kidssongs #rhymesforkids#kidspoem #toys #englishrhymes #kidsvideos #poems #poem #kidsyoutubechannel #love #nursery #kidstoys #kidsyoutube #animationplanetstudio #song #youtube #kidspoemvideo #girlstoys #kidsstory #kid #learning #babytoys #poetry #girls #rhyme #storiesforkids #hindistoriesforkids #hindistories #kidschannel #kindergarten #kidsbooks #kidsphotography #kidslearningvideoes #cocomelon #supersimplesong #chuchutv #cocomelon #supersimplesong #loolookids #riyarhymes Credits Animation : Amazdraw Services PVT LTD Music arangment : Robin Massey