December 24, 2021 - Christmas Eve Worship Service with HPC and Presbyterian Church of the Living God

December 24, 2021 - Christmas Eve Worship Service with HPC and Presbyterian Church of the Living God

Welcome to the combined Worship Service of the Henderson Presbyterian Church and the Presbyterian Church of the Living God for Christmas Eve, December 24th, 2021. We are glad you joined us! In our service we will:  Be led by a trio of Pastors: Rev. Hilda Pecoraro, Rev. Mariano (Nonong) Ordonez and Rev. Lee Styer  Sing several songs including: “Joy to the World”; “Jesus Loves Me”; “Hark! the Herald Angels Sing”; “A Communion Hymn for Christmas”; and “Silent Night! Holy Night!”  Light the Christ Candle as members of the Styer/Shaffer families read about the importance of this very special candle  Watch and listen to the Children’s Message where Pastor Lee and his puppet, Mackenzie, talk about “Mackenzie’s Favorite Christmas Memory”  Watch and listen to the Presbyterian Church of the Living God’s Choir as they sing this evening’s anthem: “‘O Come All Ye Faithful’ with ‘Angels From the Realms of Glory’”  Listen to Pastor Lee’s Christmas Eve message called “It’s Christmas!” The message is based on both Micah 5:2-5a (read earlier in the service by Pastor Hilda) and Luke 2:1-20 (read by Pastor Nonong … and by Linus).  Celebrate the Lord’s Supper led by Pastors Hilda and Nonong  Light our candles as we sing “Silent Night! Holy Night!” at the conclusion of the service Let us all give praise to God as we, once again, celebrate Christmas Eve! Go and spread the Good News that Jesus Christ came as a baby for all of us! God bless!