BCC SUNDAY SERVICE LIVE || 28th APRIL 2024 || BCC Ministries
If you have any kind of testimony, call us at +91-9849667807 or email us at [email protected] and let us know so that we can glorify Almighty together No matter where you're watching from, take this moment to worship the Lord with all your heart, invite His presence right into your midst To be a part of our Life Groups, please call/text us on +91-9849667807 we'll make sure you'll be a part of the BCC family If you have a prayer need. Please call us on +91-9885134747/9849667807 we'd love to pray for you. #bhagyanagrchurch #bhagyanagarcentralchurch #kphb #sundayservice #churchonline #church #bible #NewLifeAssemblyofGod #chaptersandversesofthebible #versesfromthebible of the Bible #newlifemotivation #jesus #wordofgodtelugu #christianchurch #baptist #prayertime #churchservicelive #mass #message #pastor #bible #christianity #churchbell #religion #worship #Church #Mass #TheChurchofJesusChrist #Bible #Baptist #Church_service #Christianity #Pastor #Christian Church #takemetochurch #holyspirit #rejoice #refreshing #dailybread #christianity #jesus #christmas #wordofgodtelugu #worship