10 Underrated FREE Plugins You Should Know About 🤤

10 Underrated FREE Plugins You Should Know About 🤤

Howdy doody, buckaroonies! Today we're here to check out 10 awesome free plugins that are pretty underrated that I think you should know about! PSY Acoustics 👽 ► https://psyacoustics.com/ Use code VENUSTHEORY to save 10%! Become a Patron ► https://venustheory.com/buckaroonie-b... Samples and Presets ► https://venustheory.com/store Gear List ► https://venustheory.com/gear Plugin Downloads: GSatPlus ► https://www.tbproaudio.de/products/gs... Burier ► https://kitplugins.com/pages/burier-free Latticeverb ► https://www.kvraudio.com/product/latt... Mfreeform Phase ► https://www.meldaproduction.com/MFree... Surge Effects Bank ► https://surge-synthesizer.github.io/ Airwindows ► https://airwindows.com/ Airwindows Patreon ►   / airwindows   ChanneV ►   / channev-52960238   PreBox ►   / prebox-36362672   Analog Obsession Patreon ►   / analogobsession   Magic Dice ► https://babyaud.io/freebies AmpliTube CS ► https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products... My Awesome Partners: 🎶 Get Bitwig! ► https://bit.ly/2S3cqvP 💿 DistroKid (Save 7%) ► https://distrokid.com/vip/venustheory 🎼 Hooktheory! ► https://hooktheory.com/affiliate/209.... 💻 Plugin Boutique ► https://bit.ly/3IfHldl 💙 Kilohearts ► https://bit.ly/2S7dZZP 🟧 Reason Studios ► https://bit.ly/2RUqSWK 🎹 Perfect Circuit ► https://bit.ly/3HY6DMw 🕺 Cableguys ► https://bit.ly/2T4Or0a 🌊 Waves Plugins ► https://bit.ly/3yHTMJX 🔊 ADSR Sounds ► https://bit.ly/3e5xCcD 👽 PSY Acoustics: https://psyacoustics.com/ (Save 10% with code VENUSTHEORY) Gear I Use: Keyboard Tray: https://amzn.to/3dprjA6 Edison Lamps: https://amzn.to/31prLMm Desk: https://amzn.to/3Dl4J64 Chair: https://amzn.to/3001Xpk Computer Monitor Stand: https://amzn.to/3In7O9u Synth Rack: https://amzn.to/3dkIbb1 Tripod: https://amzn.to/3Euissz Video Lights: https://amzn.to/3dpfCZW Camera: https://amzn.to/3xYZ7gB Lens: https://amzn.to/3xYZ7ND Headphones: https://bit.ly/3dmRQhj MIDI Keyboard: https://bit.ly/3G7OkDU Audio Interface: https://bit.ly/31mZExn ▼▼▼TIMESTAMPZ:▼▼▼ 0:00 Panel Flexin 0:17 Free Garbage & Cats 1:07 Them Fancy Panel Bois 2:00 GSatPlus 3:13 GSatPlus Sound Demos 3:47 Burier 5:04 Burier Sound Demos 6:20 LatticeVerb 7:35 LatticeVerb Sound Demos 10:19 MFreeform Phase 11:38 Mfreeform Phase Sound Demos 12:51 Surge Effects Bank 13:26 Surge Effects Bank Sound Demos 14:29 Airwindows 16:06 Airwindows Sound Demos 18:32 Channe V 19:56 Channe V Sound Demos 21:59 PreBox 23:02 PreBox Sound Demos 24:59 Magic Dice 25:34 Magic Dice Sound Demos 26:48 AmpliTube CS 27:43 AmpliTube CS Sound Demos 29:28 Closing Thoughts Stay classy! ▼▼▼Join My Discord!▼▼▼ https://discordapp.com/invite/p7RUmTt ▼▼▼Follow Venus Theory▼▼▼ Official Site → https://www.venustheory.com Audius→ https://www.audius.co/venustheory Bandcamp→ https://venustheory.bandcamp.com/ Twitter→   / venustheory   Instagram→   / venustheory   Soundcloud →   / venustheory   VK → https://vk.com/venustheory --- Disclosure: If you make a purchase using any of the affiliate links, I will earn a small commission with no extra cost to you. This is a great way to get cool new stuff, and support the channel so I can make more videos like this one! I only promote products and services that I love myself, and I'm sure you'll love them too! I appreciate it! 😁 #musicproduction #freeplugins #vst