कद्दू के बीज के 8 बेमिसाल फायदे | The amazing benefits of pumpkin seeds will surprise you |

कद्दू के बीज के 8 बेमिसाल फायदे | The amazing benefits of pumpkin seeds will surprise you |

कद्दू के बीज के 8 बेमिसाल फायदे | The amazing benefits of pumpkin seeds will surprise you | कद्दू के बीज खाने की विधि :- 100 ग्राम कद्दू के बीज मैं 250 ग्राम मखाना ले इन दोनों को कड़ाई मैं डाले और 3 चम्मच देगी घी से सॉफ्ट करे इसका पाउडर बनाये रोजाना 1 चमच रात को सोते टाइम इस्तेमाल करे ❤️❤️ Hello friends, my name is Dr. Akhlakh Ahmad and I am a (BAMS) (MD) doctor. I have been serving you people for the last 5 years and I am trying to give you good advice through videos and will continue to do so in the future. I hope you will learn something and teach something. YouTube is a good way to serve you people. Thank you 🙏🏻❤️ ------------------------------------------------ All this information is for educational purpose only. In case of any disease, advice from a doctor is very important for you.🙏🏻🫰🏻 ------------------------------------------------ सभी लोगो की बीमारी अलग अलग होती है सभी की उम्र और वजन अलग अलग होता है बिना डॉ की सलाह के कोई भी कदम नहीं उठाये🙏🏻❤️ Dr Akhlakh Ahamd (BAMS) (MD) General Physician Mehtab Hospital Chandpur Paid Consultation 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 7470348129 whatsapp Contact For Collaboration Collaboration Whatsapp👉🏻7470348129 Email👉🏻[email protected] ------------------------------------------------ 🎥MOST Popular VIDEO JUST FOR YOU🎥 🎥Youtube Video Link    • खजूर और शहद से मिलेगी भरपूर ताक़त🔥| M...   🎥Youtube Video Link    • अदरक और शहद को ऐसे खाये ढीलापन कोसो द...   🎥Youtube Video Link    • कद्दू के बीज और शहद को ऐसे खाये मिलेग...   🎥Youtube Video Link    • आँवला और शहद को ऐसे करे इस्तेमाल🔥| Ma...   🎥Youtube Video Link    • Increase Sperm Count Naturally🔥| Top ...   🎥Youtube Video Link    • आँवला और शहद को ऐसे करे इस्तेमाल🔥| Ma...   🎥Youtube Video Link    • Increase Sperm Count Naturally🔥| Top ...   🎥Youtube Video Link    • अदरक और गुड़ ऐसे खाये मिलेगी 100 गुना...   🎥Youtube Video Link    • ढीलापन कैसे दूर करे 🔥| Top 3 juices t...   🎥Youtube Video Link    • 30 उम्र के पार हो तो खाये ये 3 Nuts🔥|...   🎥Youtube Video link    • वीर्य की रफ़्तार 10 गुना कैसे बढ़ाये🔥...   🎥 YouTube Video Link    • S@X पॉवर 10 गुना कैसे बढ़ाये | Super ...   🎥YouTube Video Link    • Tentex Royal Capsule और Tentex Forte ...   ------------------------------------------------ Subscribe Now🔎❤️    / @mmhospital6438   ------------------------------------------------ Social Contact:-👇🏻 INSTAGRAM.https://www.instagram.com/healthy_ham... FACEBOOK.https://www.facebook.com/sam.edword.9... ------------------------------------------------ (DISCLAIMER)🤏🏻 The information contained in the Video Content posted on Dr Akhlakh Ahmad (BAMS) (MD) YouTube channel represents the personal views and opinions of the original creator based on the research and information present in various websites. books, journals and research papers.and does not necessarily represent a protessional openion. The Video Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read, heard or seen on this channel. 🙏🏻❤️ ------------------------------------------------ 🔎DISCLAIMER 🔎 Copyright Disclaimer: - Under section 107 of the copyright Act 1976, allowance is mad for FAIR USE for purpose such a as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statues that might otherwise be infringing. Non- Profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of FAIR USE. ------------------------------------------------ #healthyhamesha #healthyzone #Drakhlakh #healthyhameshafittv #saaolheartcare #fittuberhindi #drlokendragaur #merilifehacks #yogivarunanand #fabfitness #FemalePsychology #FemalePsychology #BodyLanguage #AttractionSignals #MoreMasculine #Relationships #HumanCuriositie #EmotionalConnection #FemaleUnderstanding #PersonalGrowth #womenpsychology #relationshipadvice #intimacytips #femalepsychology #psychologicalfacts #howtoimpresswomen #sensitivetouch #lovetips #communicationinrelationships #relationshipgoals #personalgrowth #selfdevelopment #lifetransformation #positivemindset #successmindset #goalschievement #joyfullife #fulfillinglife #endlesspossibility #eliminatenegativity #embracepositivity #personaldevelopment #selfempowerment #growthmindset #lifelessons #personaltransformation #mindsetshift #positivechange #joyandpurpose #goaldigger #soulgrowthtribe #stoicwisdomwaves #stoicism #stoicphilosophy #walkway #stoicquotes #kaddu #kaddukebeejkefayde #pumpkin #pumpkinseedsbenefits #pumpkinseeds #pumpkinseedskhanekefayde ‪@HealthyHamesha‬ ‪@ImagineDragons‬ ‪@healthtime6469‬ ‪@FamilyFitnessChannel‬ ‪@VikramSinghFitness55‬ ‪@Healthyhameshafittv‬ ‪@VikramSinghFitness55‬ ​⁠‪@imkavyfitness‬