Cornbread Salad | Collab: "Smells like a Church Supper in Here" with Souper at 60 | How to Cook
🤩Today is a special treat in more ways than one! Mrs. Katie is collaborating with Darlene of Souper at 60 for "Smells like a church supper in here" collab. Mrs. Katie is offering the entree of CORNBREAD SALAD while Darlene is serving up the dessert on her channel. 🤩Check out Darlene's Dessert video here and be sure to give her a thumbs-up, ya'll.😃 • Fresh Summertime Lemon Angel Food Bar... 🤩Find my two CORNBREAD SALAD recipes HERE... https://heritageways.com/in-the-kitch... ❤️Heritage Ways Honors HOME + Celebrates HERITAGE + Spreads HOPE❤️ Subscribe HERE... / heritageways 📌ADDITIONAL + EXCLUSIVE content on Patreon... / heritageways 👕WEAR awesome Heritage Ways MERCH... https://www.bonfire.com/heritage-ways... 📌RECEIVE The Journal NEWSPAPER... https://heritageways.com/the-journal-... 🏡ENROLL in Homekeeping School, Module ONE, "Meal Preparedness" digital downloads and video presentation... https://heritageways.com/heritage-way... ➡️Join our Health Team, YOUNG LIVING Essential Oils ... https://www.youngliving.com/en_US Young Living Sponsor and Enroller ID # 16068963 📌OWN Mrs. Katie's COOKBOOK "From Katie's Kitchen Cookbook, Vol. One"... https://heritageways.com/heritage-way... 📌$20 OFF OUTSCHOOL (online) class with this LINK (LMH and Mrs. Katie highly recommend the Anne of Green Gables classes with Mrs. B.) https://outschool.com/?signup=true&us... 📌OWN a Town Day APRON... https://heritageways.com/heritage-way... 📌Many have asked how they can SUPPORT our EFFORTS through PayPal so we are providing that information here. We are very grateful! https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/herit... 📌Our THRIFTBOOKS Wish List ... https://www.thriftbooks.com/list/shar... 📫📫CONNECT WITH US📫📫 Email: [email protected] Old-fashioned Mail: Heritage Ways POB 355 Loudonville, OH 44842 🎉 THANKS to our Amazing PATRONS... Karen H. Terry and Tonya T. Matt and Stephanie B. Jeff and Tera E. Joel and Deb L. Tracy P. Rachel D. Life with a Tableful Jhona M. The Stanley Rogers Family Gran Jennifer L. Amy P., TX Carolyn B. Thomas and Wendy K. Amy P., OH Glenda B. Sara D. Mary C. Kate W. Dounia C. Carolyn S. Barbara C. Salinn R. Ellie Kate Bea V. TJ Stine Lisa B. 1919 Farmhouse Homestead Debby B. the WISH Team Denise Jeannie H. Kedesh Farm Homestead Smoky Mt. Homestead Bette D. Julie B. Weaver Family Karen O. Daddy Kirbs Farm Christina, Our Wood Home 📌WEBSITE: https://www.HeritageWays.com 📌AFFILIATE and PARTNER and TEAM links (SOME LINKS OFFER DISCOUNTS FOR YOU!) ➡️DR. AXE, Mrs. Katie’s favorite collagen that she uses daily! You spend $30 then receive $10 credit! http://fbuy.me/pQCI4 ➡️LILLA ROSE hair accessories http://www.lillarose.biz/HeritageWays ➡️NATURE'S SUNSHINE health products https://health.naturessunshine.com?upline=60642224 ➡️MATTRESS INSIDER http://mattressinsider.refr.cc/katiet... ➡️PRUITT'S TREE RESIN http://themiraclesalve.com 10% off with code HERITAGEWAYS #cookingcollab #souperat60 #youtubecollab #homemaking #HeritageWays #homemadefood #villagehomesteading #cooking #howtocook #southernfood #recipes 📌MUSIC on this video: YouTube Creators Studio and Epidemic Sound 📌GET ONE MONTH OF FREE MUSIC SERVICE HERE https://www.epidemicsound.com/referra... 📌AUDIENCE CONTENT DISCLAIMER: Heritage Ways creates content for viewers over the age of 13. 📌MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical doctor, a medical professional, a dietician, or a nutritionist. All content found on the HeritageWays.com website and YouTube Channel, including: text, images, videos, or other formats were created solely for informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding medical condition or proper nutritional advice. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something watched on this video or read on the corresponding website. Use caution when following the recipe or information in this video. The creator and publisher of this video will not be held responsible for any adverse effects that may arise from the use of this information or any other recipe/information on this channel and the corresponding website.