염석비누만들기 | 오렌지 비누만들기 | Salting Out Soap Making | Orange Soap | 우리집비누공작실 | Traditional Soaping | ASMR
염석비누만들기 | 오렌지 비누만들기 | Salting Out Soap Making | Orange Soap | 우리집비누공작실 | Traditional Soaping | 염석비누 만들기 | 소금비누 만들기 | 친환경 비누 만들기 | 올리브유 비누 만들기 🍊🧡🍊ℂ𝕆ℕ𝕋𝔸ℂ𝕋🍊🧡🍊 🔸[오프라인클래스] 염석비누 처음부터 끝까지의 모든 과정을 배우실 수 있는 전문적인 클래스입니다 '우리집비누공작실' 유튜브를 통해 염석비누 만드는 방법을 시청하신 후 염석비누를 직접 만들어보고 싶으신 모든 분들을 대상으로 합니다 비누 제작에 입문하시는 분들 초보자분들 상관없이 처음부터 차근차근 알려드리니까요 나만의 전통 비누를 만들어보고 싶으시다면 연락주세요! ↳ ↳ 📞010 - 8992 - 9338 🔸[염석비구입처] 🔸[인스타그램] 🔸[구독] 🍊🧡🍊𝕋𝕀𝕄𝔼𝕃𝕀ℕ𝔼🍊🧡🍊 00:00 오렌지세척 | Washing Oranges 01:56 오렌지오일 | Orange Oil 03:17 수산화나트륨 | Sodium Hydroxide 03:32 비누화 | Saponification 05:26 염석 | Salting Out 06:48 비누물빼기 | Draining Soap 08:00 비누녹이기 | Melting Soap 08:52 몰드에붓기 | Pouring into Mold 10:10 비누자르기 | Cutting Soap 11:25 거품테스트 | Lather test 🍊🧡🍊ℝ𝔼𝕃𝔸𝕋𝔼𝔻 𝕍𝕀𝔻𝔼𝕆🍊🧡🍊 ✅Orange Zest Cold Process Soap ↳I hope you enjoy my orange zest cold process soap making video! Adding citrus zest and other botanical ingredients to your soap is a lovely, affordable way to add colour, a little bit of fragrance and interest to your handmade cold processed soaps Recipe details 780g total oil batch 42% lye concentration for the lye solution (it's a low water soap - if you're not sure what this means, please check out this video • Calculating Water in Soap Recipes and ) 2% superfat, calculated into the recipe (a lye discount) Olive oil 85% - 663g Coconut oil 10% - 78g Castor oil 5% - 39g Water 150g Sodium hydroxide/caustic soda 108g I made this soap with the oils at room temperature and the lye solution recently mixed, so very warm You can make it with warm oils and cool lye solution too - either way is fine, it's a very forgiving recipe Most of my soaps are made with an olive oil-based recipe, similar to this one ✅Orange Clay Swirl Soap Making | Chopstick Swirl ↳This is another chopstick swirl similar to my last soap but poured from the side of the mold instead of the end Scented with an orange cedarwood EO blend Thank you for watching! - Holly :) ✅Fresh orange & black pepper soap🍊A luxurious scrub bar soap recipe ↳n this video i show you how i made cold process soap with fresh oranges and black pepper Thank you for watching💝 🌿Learn to make soap with fresh ingredients: 🌿Learn to formulate your own soap recipes here: ✅I Made An Orange Soap with Real Oranges | Royalty Soaps ↳It's time to make a birthday soap for all the folks born in May! You guys are going to love some of the pastels in this soap, they are absolutely swoon worthy! ✅Orange Clove Cold Process Soap Making ↳The scent is described as fresh squeezed oranges are kissed with spicy clove bud