गर्भ में लड़की या लड़के का निर्णय कैसे होता है || chromosome
#Pregnancy #PregnancyUltraosound #PregnancyTest गर्भ में लड़की या लड़के का निर्णय कैसे होता है || How is the decision of whether a girl or a boy is made in the womb || Science and myth Analysis Dr. Aditya Misra MBBS(Gold Medalist), MD(Gold Medalist) Visiting Fellow & Clinical Oberverships Nanavati & Hinduja Hospitals, Mumbai, Kings College of London, UK, Stanford School of Medicine, USA Dr. Aditya Misra is head consultant at Hubble Diagnostics & fetal Medicine Centre. He is MD in Radio- diagnosis. His dissertation topic was ‘Color Doppler evaluation of fetus in high risk pregnancies. Dr. Mishra received plethora of honors and accolades. He received 11 gold medals in graduation and was awarded trophy for Best All Round Student in 2009. He had distinction & honors in many subjects. He also bagged gold medal in his Post Graduate (MD) university exams. After completing MD, Dr. Misra went to Mumbai and did observershi and visiting on-site fellowship in various hospitals as Nanavati Hospital, Hinduja Hospital, Tata Memorial Hospital & KEM Hospital. He got his initial training in fetal medicine under Dr. Chander Lulla, Mumbai. His passion for attaining world class expertise motivated him for visiting clinical observership at Kings college, London. There he got training under Prof. Kypros Nicholaides. He learned precisions of fetal echo from Prof. Lyndsey Allen. Professor Kypros Nicholaides is pioneer and world authority in fetal medicine. Dr. Misra did visiting clinical observership in various subspecialties of radiodiagnosis at Standard school of medicine, U.S.A. He has 18 publications in various indexed national & international journals. He is life member of SFM & IRIA Dr. Misra is Professor in Radio diagnosis currently working in Kanpur, U.P. #NTNBScan #HubbleHealth#DrAdityaMisra #PregnancyUltrasound #HubbleHealth #PregnancyUltrasound #HubbleDiagnostics