Trading with Supertrend Indicator (Part 1/3) by Himanshu Arora | Trading Strategy | Swing Trading

Trading with Supertrend Indicator (Part 1/3) by Himanshu Arora | Trading Strategy | Swing Trading

📈 Check out the upcoming swing trading mentorship program: 📈 Check out other courses by Himanshu Arora: Check out the entire Supertrend indicator playlist 👇🏼 ? This is the first part of the Supertrend indicator series by Himanshu Arora, where he introduced the Supertrend indicator and how it can be used for trading. Himanshu starts by giving an overview of what the 'Trading with Supertrend Indicator' series is all about and what you can expect from it. Then, Himanshu Arora explains the about the Supertrend indicator - what is it, how it works and how one can use it for trading in trending markets. He deep dives into the formula of the Supertrend indicator, explaining each term used in the equation. He then moves on to show how you can apply the Supertrend indicator on TradingView, and what its different parameters mean. The video will also guide you on setting up the Supertrend indicator according to your personal style - depending on whether you are a conservative or aggressive trader. Full of examples from the live market, this video provides you with a good guide on how to use the Supertrend indicator to capture trends in the stock market. Himanshu Arora's SEBI RA Registration No. - INH000016490 Join Telegram Community: IF YOU LIKE THIS VIDEO, PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL! Timestamp: 1:15 What you will learn in this trading indicator series 2:04 What is the Supertrend indicator, and how it works 4:38 Formula of the Supertrend indicator 7:41 How to use Supertrend indicator based on your trading style 11:21 Ways to use the Supertrend indicator in trading strategy 13:43 Recap and conclusion #Upsurge #swingtrading #Technicalanalysis #Stockmarket #Trading #swingtradingstrategy #swingtrading #profitabletrading #tradingwithupsurgeclub #himanshuarora #supertrendanalysis #supertrendindicator #supertrend #supertrendindicatorstrategy #stockmarketrally #trendtrading