Download LTP Calculator NSE Option Chain all new android App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... Join our premium YouTube channel to get access of more important videos: / @ltpcalculator JOIN/FOLLOW OUR ONLY OFFICIAL WHATSAPP CHANNEL HERE - https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029Va9p... इस रविवार को लाइव मास्टरक्लास आपको सिखाएगा कि कैसे शुरू से Option Chain Analysis करना है। PAY for MASTERCLASS: https://videos.investingdaddy.com/web... Live MASTERCLASS On This Sunday will teach you how to perform option chain analysis from scratch. Time: 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. This price will never be as low as it is Today. You have a chance to learn option chain analysis in Just Rs. 234/-. Watch this entire course in 4 hours so that you can start applying the knowledge immediately. Thursday Live: On Every Thursday we come live sharp at 9:30 AM & it is a show of 90 Minutes. In which Market is predicted with the help of the LTP Calculator for the practical learning of Community members. • Thursday LIVE Market Trading Sunday Webinar: Every Sunday we conduct a webinar on zoom for 4 Hours. It is a non-stop webinar followed by Q&A session which is continued until last hand raise on Zoom. Community: Our community is India's biggest community for option buyers who trade with the help of LTP Calculator. For community members 300+ hours daily class Video is available & everyday a 2:30 Hours videos class video is uploaded for unlimited access. If one has time on evening can join live class as well which is conducted at 7:45 PM to 10 PM from Monday to Friday.