8살 딸이 1시간반을 즐겼던 그 발레공연! 2021 대한민국발레축제 ! 커튼콜 감상해보세요
8살딸은 취미로 발레를 합니다. 취미라고 하기도 좀 뭐한... 체육활동으로 발레를 하는데, 길을 오가다 지역구 게시판에 게재된 20201 대한민국발레축제 포스터를 보고 공연 보고싶다고 원했었어요. 작년말에도 호두까기 발레공연 보고 싶다고 했었는데, 8살부터 공연 관람이 가능해서 8살 될때까지 기다렸거든요. 덕분에 저도 난생처음 발레공연을 보게 되었답니다. 저희가 관람한 프로그램은 CJ 토월극장에서 공연한 한국을 빛내는 해외무용스타 스페셜 갈라 입니다. 클래식, 현대무용 등 정말 다양한 발레를 볼 수 있어서 좋았고 정말 오랜만의 공연을 관람하게 되어 가슴이 뛰었네요. 무엇보다도 발레를 전공하지 않는 8살 아이가 1시간 30분의 그 긴 시간을 집중하며 즐겼다는것이 더욱 대견한(?) 시간이었네요. 2층 1열이었는데도 조금 멀어요. 그럼에도 불구하고 즐겁게 감상하세요~ My 8-year-old daughter does ballet as a hobby. I don't think it's a hobby. She's doing ballet for sports activities. She wanted to see the 20201 Korea Ballet Festival by watching the poster on the local bulletin board. She wanted to see another ballet performance at the end of last year, but she has to wait until she was 8 because she was able to watch it since she was 8 years old. Thanks to my daughter, I saw a ballet performance for the first time in my life. The program we watched is a special gala of overseas dance stars that shine on Korea performed at CJ Towol Theater. It was great to see a variety of ballet such as classical music and modern dance, and I was thrilled to see the performance after a long time. Above all, it was a more proud time for an eight-year-old who didn't major in ballet to concentrate on that long time of an hour and a half. It was the first row on the second floor, and it's a little far. Nevertheless, enjoy the show.