डेंगू की बीमार कैसे होती है और इसके लक्षण में आपको क्या-क्या होगा? । How Dengue Virus Works?
डेंगू की बीमार कैसे होती है और इसके लक्षण में आपको क्या-क्या होगा? । How Dengue Virus Works? What Causes Dengue Fever? | DENGUE | The Dr Binocs Show | Peekaboo Kidz What Happens When Someone Gets Dengue Fever? Don't we get dengue from mosquito bites? You must be shocked to know this. So how do we get dengue? It doesn't happen from warming the bed too much, right? Let's know about dengue disease. A person can get dengue when he is bitten by a mosquito named Aedes Aegypti. You must be knowing that only a female mosquito sucks blood. See, as soon as this female mosquito bites us, humans, it injects a virus inside our body through its saliva, the dengue virus. As soon as it enters our body, first of all it enters our immune cells, such as Macrophage & Dendritic Cell, and as soon as it enters inside it, it starts doing its work. #denguetreatment #howdenguevirusworks #denguesymptomsinhindi #howdengueaffectsourbody #fevertreatmentathome #howtocaremybody #trendingvideo #facts #howdengueitworks