죽음의 월미도 바이킹 근접촬영 (Wolmido Viking in Korea)

죽음의 월미도 바이킹 근접촬영 (Wolmido Viking in Korea)

우리나라에서 젤 무섭다는 죽음의 월미도 바이킹입니다 90도 각도는 기본이고, 바이킹 끝자리에서 인천 앞바다도 볼 수 있어요 사람이 없으면 줄기차게 돌려주는 센스!!! 30분은 기본~ㅋ 한번 도전해 보세요~ ^^* 월미도를 검색하면 뜨는 연관 검색어는 무려 세상에서 가장 무서운 놀이기구 우리나라 놀이동산 중 가장 스릴 넘치는 바이킹을 보유한 곳으로 꼽히는 월미도 Wolmido Island (월미도), also known as Wŏlmi-do, is an island one kilometer off the coast of South Korea near Incheon It was connected to the mainland by a highway in 1989, and was later connected by a monorail line as well It is a weekend destination and tourist area, with restaurants, the theme park Play Hill and the areas Meeting Square, Arts Square, Performance Square, and Good Harvest Square The Korean Traditional Garden at Wolmi Park (월미공원) was established in 2001 after the relocation of the Army base which had been located there for 50 year On September 10, 1950, the U S Army began five days of bombing Wolmido Island, which contained North Korean Army soldiers Several hundred civilians were killed in the dropping of 93 napalm bombs An Army base was established at the site of what became Wolmi Park (월미공원) after the base's relocation The site was turned into a garden and opened to the public in 2001