Happy 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time!

Happy 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time!

Today’s Announcements: 1. Thank you for your generous sharing of self! dwy.io/HolyFamily 2. Order your burnt orange parish T-shirts this weekend or next! 3. Our Parish Calendar Wednesdays, 6-9 PM – Bible study, rosary & theological institute! October 20 – Fr. Roy will join us for the sacrament of Anointing, & we’ll celebrate the 300th anniversary of Independent Catholicism! 4. Save the date: Father Gianni Passarella, author of the Italian bestseller Angels in the Bible & in Your Daily Life, will present a three-day parish retreat from Thursday, October 24, 6 PM through noon on Saturday, October 26. Join us & receive a FREE copy of Fr. Gianni’s book in English! 5. Spread the word: We’ll celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation on Saturday, October 26, 12 PM with Bishop Pablo Burson of the Ecumenical Catholic Communion. Today is the last day to register!