11 27 22 SERMON - Rev. Denise Clark-Jones, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Peoria, Illinois
@westminsterpeoria TODAY'S MESSAGE: ALERT BUT NOT AFRAID Today we enter the season of Advent and the beginning of the church’s liturgical year. Advent is Latin for “coming.” It celebrates the most important news about the past and the most important news about the future. Christ has come; and Christ is coming back. In this morning’s Scripture readings, the prophet Isaiah promises the people of Israel that one day in the future, God will come to earth and dwell in Jerusalem. At that time, God will initiate a new era when all people make pilgrimages to Jerusalem to worship and be instructed in God’s ways. The psalmist speaks as one of these pilgrims, who comes to the temple in Jerusalem and prays “for the peace of Jerusalem.” In our epistle reading, the apostle Paul urges the Roman church to cease their worldly ways and follow God’s laws, which can only be accomplished in the spirit of love. In Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus urges us to be watchful and spiritually awake for the second coming of the Son of Man. Just as the coming of Christ as a baby in Bethlehem took everyone by surprise, so too the coming of Christ in glory take everyone by surprise. The first Sunday of Advent commemorates the hope of Israel for a Messiah. 🛎"SUBSCRIBE" now to get notified first of new videos. Please check the “LIKE” button above. Leave us a comment and let us know what your favorite part of the service was. STAY CONNECTED Website: https://westminsterpeoria.org/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4gZ... Facebook: / westminsterp. . Twitter: @westminsterpeo Gretchen R. Iben Arts Series Concerts: https://westminsterpeoria.org/music-a... Iben Facebook: / ibenartseries TO SUPPORT this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world, visit https://onrealm.org/Westminster1420/-... PRAYER: If you are dealing with something in your life and would like to have someone praying for you, let us know. Send us your prayer requests: https://westminsterpeoria.org/prayer-... The musical portions of this service that are copyrighted are used by permission under the OneLicense, net agreement, A726060