관통사영어면접_유네스코와 유산_46-1. 택견과 태권도
#관통사영어면접, #관광통역안내사영어면접, #국내여행안내사면접, #관통사영어면접시나리오, #유네스코와유산영어로, #유네스코무형문화유산영어로, #AboutKorea, #unesco, #intangibleheritage, #택견, #태권도, #택견과태권도비교, #traditional_Korean_martial_art, #Taekkyeon, #Taekwondo, 관통사영어면접팁과 내용 번역 및 국내여행안내사면접 준비가 궁금하다면 빨강은 키워드, 회색은 보너스 46-1 Can you tell us about Taekkyeon and Taekwondo? I’ll tell you about Taekkyeon and Taekwondo 택견 has been designated as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage and is a traditional Korean martial art that has been handed down since the 고구려 period 택견 sparring involves kicking or knocking down the opponent, and the movements look like dancing 태권도, a modern sport inherited and developed from traditional martial arts such as 수박 and 택견, became a global sport when it was adopted as an official Olympic sport in 2000 In 태권도 sparring, points are earned by matching the opponent's striking point using foot and hand techniques, and the movements are very straight and take the form of short jumps Various types of competitions and events related to 택견 and 태권도 are held in various regions of our country That is all my answer Thank you