I Was Adopted by a Billionaire Family! Poor Girl in a Rich Family by Kaboom! GO

I Was Adopted by a Billionaire Family! Poor Girl in a Rich Family by Kaboom! GO

Are you ready for your life to turn upside down?! That’s exactly what happened to Audrey when she got adopted by a billionaire family! Poor girl in a very rich family? Sounds like a recipe for some hilarious situations and awkward moments! Let’s keep watching to see our newest ‘I was adopted by a billionaire family’ video! If you enjoyed this video, you might also like ”SNEAK FOOD INTO SCHOOL || Ways to Sneak Snacks into Class & Become Popular at School”    • SNEAK FOOD INTO SCHOOL || Ways to Sne...   #Billionaire #Funny #KABOOM! Love the music used in this video? We find our music on EpidemicSound: https://bit.ly/2JcUlBa The Producers and Creatives do not make any representation or warranty in regards to the accuracy, applicability, or fitness of the contents of this video. This video was made strictly for entertainment and informational purposes only. If you wish to apply ideas in this video, you are taking full responsibility for your actions. Producers and Creatives of this video are not held liable for any damage or loss arising from the use of this video material. All products and company names shown in this video are trademarks™ or registered trademarks® of their respective holders. Use of them does not imply any endorsement by them. Subscribe to Kaboom! Go:    / @kaboomgo   Kaboom! Challenge:    / kaboomchallenge   KABOOM!:    / @kaboomoriginal   Kaboom Zoom:    / @kaboomzoom