March এর শেষ সপ্তাহে প্রকাশিত চাকরীর টুকরো খবর | শিক্ষক ও অশিক্ষক কর্মী নিয়োগ 2025
আমাদের হোয়াটসঅ্যাপ প্রাইম গ্রুপে যুক্ত হতে আপনারা 7001471846 নাম্বারে হোয়াটসঅ্যাপ করুন মাত্র ১০ টাকার বিনিময়ে আপনারা একমাস পেয়ে যাবেন আনলিমিটেড চাকরির খবর কারেন্ট অ্যাফেয়ার্স দৈনিক ও মাসিক পত্রিকা পিডিএস এর কোয়েশ্চেন ও বিভিন্ন বইয়ের পিডিএফ । মাত্র এক মাস যুক্ত হয়ে দেখুন যদি ভালো না লাগে আপনারা লেফট নিয়ে নেবেন এক মাস পর কোন অসুবিধা নেই। এত কম টাকায় আশা করি কেউই এত ম্যাটেরিয়ালস প্রোভাইড করতে পারবেনা । West Bengal Bengali Medium Schools and Army Public Schools are hiring primary teachers along with multiple vacancies for teachers in various subjects across different schools. If you are looking for a teaching job, this video provides detailed information on eligibility criteria, application process, age limit, and other important details. Stay updated with the latest job notifications by joining our PoraShuno community on WhatsApp and Telegram. West Bengal teacher recruitment, primary teacher vacancy, Army Public School recruitment, Bengali medium school teacher jobs, teaching job vacancy, teacher job in Kolkata, WB primary teacher recruitment, teacher job notification, school teacher job in Bengal, West Bengal job vacancy, teaching job updates, WB teaching vacancy 2025, apply for teacher job, how to become a teacher in WB, WB primary teacher eligibility, school teacher notification, WB school teacher application, PoraShuno job updates, PoraShuno teacher news, teacher vacancy 2025, teacher application process, WB teacher salary, WB primary teacher syllabus, primary school teacher recruitment, Kolkata teacher vacancy, Bengal teaching jobs, teacher vacancy details, WB education job, how to apply for teacher post, government teacher job WB, private school teacher job, WB school teacher vacancy news, school teacher recruitment 2025, latest teaching jobs in Bengal, online application for teacher, WB school jobs, WB private teacher vacancy, Bengali school job vacancy, WB school job notification, WB education recruitment, teacher exam syllabus, PoraShuno job updates Telegram, PoraShuno WhatsApp group, PoraShuno latest jobs, PoraShuno website job news, teaching job in WB 2025. Recognized, fully Govt. Aided Christian Minority Bengali Medium High School invites applications from the eligible candidates for one post of teaching post. Minimum Qualification: 50% marks in Graduate /PG in History and B.Ed. Scale of Pay: Pass The Secretary of Rahutara St. Thomas High School (H.S.), Vill. + P.O.: Rahutara, P.S.: Habibpur, Dist.: Malda, West Bengal-732138, Mobile No.: 9775841473 Recognized, fully Govt. Aided Christian Minority Bengali Medium High School invites application for the following teaching posts.Sc. & Maths Group -One post of Pure Science (Pass): 50% marks in Graduate / PG in Pure Science and B.Ed. For H.S. Section: One post of Political Science 50% marks in Post Graduate. Apply to the Secretary of Rajibpur St. Joseph High School, P.O.: Rajibpur, P.S.: Gangarampur, Dist.: Dakshin Dinajpur, West Bengal-733124, Mobile No.: West Bengal Government Jobs, Private Job News, Jobs for Madhyamik Pass, Jobs for Higher Secondary Pass, Jobs for Graduates, Bank Job Notifications, Post Office Jobs, Group D Jobs, Group C Jobs, Police Jobs, Kolkata Police Recruitment, West Bengal Police Recruitment, Teacher Recruitment, Primary Teacher Jobs, Upper Primary Teacher Recruitment, SSC Jobs, WBPSC Exam, Railway Jobs, IBPS Bank Jobs, Clerk Recruitment, Data Entry Operator Jobs, Excise Constable Jobs, Fireman Jobs, National Health Mission Jobs, Health Department Jobs, Food Department Jobs, Revenue Department Jobs, Gram Panchayat Jobs, BDO Office Jobs, Municipality Jobs, High Court Jobs, Lower Division Clerk Jobs, Upper Division Clerk Jobs, ICDS Jobs, Anganwadi Recruitment, ICDS Supervisor Jobs, Agriculture Department Jobs, WB Health Recruitment, Sub-Inspector Jobs, WB TET Exam, School Service Commission Jobs, WB Primary TET, WB Upper Primary TET, KPS Recruitment, WBP Constable Jobs, ITI Jobs, Diploma Jobs, Engineering Jobs, Civil Service Jobs, Public Service Commission Jobs, Technical Assistant Jobs, Assistant Teacher Jobs, Court Jobs, Metro Railway Jobs, #WestBengalJobs, #GovtJobUpdates, #PrivateJobNews, #MadhyamikPassJob, #HSPassJob, #GraduateJobs, #BankJobAlerts, #PostOfficeJob, #GroupDJob, #GroupCJob, #PoliceRecruitment, #KolkataPoliceJob, #WBPoliceRecruitment, #TeacherRecruitment, #PrimaryTeacherJob, #UpperPrimaryJob, #SSCJobs, #WBPSCExam, #RailwayRecruitment, #IBPSBankJobs, #ClerkJobs, #DataEntryJobs, #ExciseConstable, #FiremanRecruitment, #HealthJobsWB, #NHMRecruitment, #FoodDepartmentJob, #RevenueDepartmentJob, #GramPanchayatJob, #BDOOfficeJob, #MunicipalityRecruitment, #HighCourtJobs, #LDCRecruitment, #UDCJobs, #ICDSJobs, #AnganwadiJobs, #ICDSSupervisor, #AgricultureJobsWB, #WBHealthRecruitment, #SubInspectorJobs, #WBTETExam, #SchoolServiceCommission, #WBPrimaryTET, #UpperPrimaryTET, #KPSRecruitment, #WBPConstable, #ITIJobsWB, #DiplomaJobsWB, #EngineeringJobsWB, #CivilServiceWB, #WBPSCJobs, #PoraShunoJobs.