(Full svc.) "Prayer –Let 'Us' Pray Together (Part 2)" (3/9/2025 AM worship svc., 4K/ UHD)

(Full svc.) "Prayer –Let 'Us' Pray Together (Part 2)" (3/9/2025 AM worship svc., 4K/ UHD)

3/9/2025 morning worship service Pastor Anthony Fields " "Prayer–Let 'Us' Pray Together (Part 2)/Principles for Powerful Prayer Meeting (Part 2)" Acts 2:42-47; Acts 4:32-35; Acts 5:12-16, 41-42 Principle 1: God-focus A. Tune to God's agenda B. Follow God's lead Principle 2: Deep koinonia (Greek word that means fellowship, sharing, or communion. It appears in the Bible more that a dozen times.) Principle 3: Clean hearts– "If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me." (Psalm 66:18, KJV) Principle 4: One accord John 17:20-23; Proverbs 6:16-19 Ephesians 4:1 Matthew 21:13, Jesus quoted Isaiah 56:7 when he said, "It is written, 'My house will be called a house of prayer". How 'bout we make that call our pursuit as we move closer to what God intended when He called us to be "a house of prayer." _______________________ "I will call upon God : and the Lord will deliver me. Psalm 55:22 24 Cast your burden upon the Lord, and he wil sustain you: he will never let the righteous stumble. For you will bring the bloodthirsty and deceitul: down to the pit of destruction, O God. They shall not live out half their days but I will put my trust in you. I will call upon God : and.the Lord will deliver me, Lord, before the heat of the noonday comes, we are already feeling as though our lives are not full enough. Insitil in us this morning the assurance that you are enough for us, God. Your love, your call, your work, is enough. Amen." _______________________ " "Think on This: YOUR HOME ⁃ A HOUSE OF PRAYER" Invite Jesus into every room of your house (literally!) Throw a private party in your homel Just for two–Jesus and you. Invite the Prince of Peace in to stay. Not just to live in the neighborhood. Or even next door. But right in your home, inside of you. Jesus has already said He and the Father would love to make their home with you (John 14:23) But is Jesus welcome in every room? To peek in your closets? See inside your pantry? Look under your bed? ⁃ Take the printed house, It has five rooms, each representing an area of your life. ⁃ Pick a half-hour when your home is (mostly) calm (or choose five minutes a day for five days). ⁃ Take your Bible and the printed house with you into each room of your home. ⁃ While physically present, acknowledge Jesus' presence there too, through scripture readings and prayer. Invite Him to renovate each space, bringing revival and renewal. ▪︎ To the activities that go on in that space To the people who walk through its doors ▪︎ To the relationships lived out there Allow the Spirit of the Lord to breathe replenishment and revitalization to spaces you 've had locked up too long. He longs to awaken every area of your life for His purposes and His glory. And when We allow Him into the center of it all-even our messes, perhaps especially our messes He brings His peace along with Him." ______________________ " "Doing this will stunt your spiritual growth" Proverbs 1:30-33, 2 Timothy 3:14-17 "Eat your vegetables and you'll grow up big and tall." "Don't drink coffee or you'll stunt your growth." The reality is that no amount of fasting from coffee and loading up on vegetables can overcome genetics. Some of us were destined to be able to reach the top shelf. Others of us will always need a stool. What's one way to know if you're letting the Bible shape you or if your views are shaping how you read the Bible? What's one area of your life where you've had to change your mind to align with God? How has allowing the Bible to shape your views helped you find your purpose or calling?" ________________________ Pray in every room in your home. "Welcome! Jesus answered him, 'If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him," Jchn 14:23 Bedroom—Family Pray: How can I bring God glory in my marriage? How can I show more love to my family? Bathroom–Self Read: Psalms 139:23; Mark 12:30: Golations 220: Phiippians 48: Motthew 6:33,34 Office–Work Read: 1 Cor 1558 Col 3:17, 23 1 Pet 4:10–11 Kitchen–Appetites Pray: What am I feeding on? Replace my idols with Your presence. Den–Friends Read: Mathew 7:12; Mark 12:30,31: Romans 12:8,9,10; Ephesians 4:32; 1 John 4:20,21"