HOLY MASS: Monday in the 15th Week of Ordinary Time - Year C, 11th July 2022

HOLY MASS: Monday in the 15th Week of Ordinary Time - Year C, 11th July 2022

coming to you from St. Denis Ssebugwawo Holy Cross Catholic Parish, Konge – Lukuli TODAY'S READINGS First Reading: Isaiah 1: 10-17 Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 50: 8-9, 16bc-17, 21 and 23 Alleluia: Matthew 5: 10 Gospel: Matthew 10: 34 – 11: 1 To support this online ministry, offertory, tithe or donations please follow the link: https://maalipay.maalicard.com/app/pa... MTN Mobile Money: 0775805853 (Francis Mukasa) TODAY WE REMEMBER: St. Benedict, Abbot, Religious Founder