The First Sign: Water into Wine at Cana | Reformed Devotionals Daily Podcast

The First Sign: Water into Wine at Cana | Reformed Devotionals Daily Podcast

Episode Title: The First Sign: Water into Wine at Cana Bible Passage: John 2:1-12 (ESV) Episode Summary: In this episode, we dive into the first miraculous sign Jesus performed at the wedding in Cana, as recorded in John 2:1-12. When a wedding feast ran out of wine, Jesus turned water into wine using jars meant for ritual purification. This moment symbolizes the transition from the old covenant to the new—turning something ordinary into something extraordinary. Jesus’ quiet, yet profound miracle not only saved the wedding but foreshadowed the abundance and transformation of His kingdom. Through the lens of this miracle, we’re reminded of faith, divine abundance, and the promise of the new covenant. The question remains: do we, like the disciples, truly believe in the signs we've seen? #WaterIntoWine #WeddingAtCana #NewCovenant #MiraclesOfJesus #GospelOfJohn #FaithInAction #BiblicalSigns Get full access to Reformed Devotionals Daily at (https://reformeddevotional.substack.c...) Episode link: