Childlike और Childish के बीच Difference || Neel Sir
😊✌️ सभी Adjectives का इतना आसान और पूरा प्रयोग अभी तक किसी ने नहीं बताया होगा। दावा है, आपको जरूर समझ आएगा। #confusingwordsinenglish #confsion #children #childlike #childish #learnenglish #noun #adjective #adjective #neelsirhp #adjectivestype #typeofadjectives #india 😍English चर्चा आपका स्वागत करती है हमारे और आपकी इस Channel पर😍😍 :- 😁😁जो लोग एवं विद्यार्थी Spoken English के course Buy नहीं कर सकते हैं ये 33 days' का course उनके लिए ही हैं👇👇 :- • 33 Days' free Spoken English Course English चर्चा, Neel सर and the team will keep uploading videos of the course twice or thrice a week. अगर आप Neel Sir से Live classes में English सीखना चाहते हैं तो बिना किसी hesitation के call और Whats App करें , आपको new और Fresh Batch में Enroll करने के लिए English Charcha Team द्वारा संपर्क किया जाएगा :- English Charcha Academy Pangna +91 82192 43997 1. सींखे tenses इसी तरह practically- 👇👇 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... yQeBxwpV0Fl3KtpO8AAz7iRRAA 2. Learn Modal Verbs , here's the full Series 👇👇 • Modal Verbs - Series 3. सीखें Tough Vocabularies बहुत आसानी से 👇👇 • Different Vocabularies 4. ये है सबसे मजेदार series जिसमें सीखो Idioms, Phrases & Proverbs हँसते हँसते 👇👇 • सीखो हँसते हँसते or • Phrasal Verb 5. Nouns की series 👇👇 • Noun 6. Pronouns की series 👇👇 • Pronoun - Full Class 7. Adjectives Full Classes • Adjective - Full Class किसी भी तरह की class के लिए संपर्क करें -- Offline/Online, Personal/Group English Charcha Academy Pangna +91 82192 43997 If you have any doubt, query, feedback, you can contact us ;- Thanks for your love and regards. #English_Charcha #tenses #learntenses Tenses, Tense chart, tenses in english, tenses in english grammar, english tenses in hindi, english tenses lesson in hindi, english tenses lesson full video with examples, english tenses, present tense, present indefinite tense, present continuous tense, present perfect tense, present perfect continuous tense, past tenses, past indefinite tense, past continuous tense, past perfect continuous tense, past tenses in english , past tenses in english grammar in hindi, future tense, future indefinite tense, future continuous tense, future perfect tense, future perfect continuous tense, future tense examples, spoken english, learn speaking english, speaking english practice, speaking english fluently, speaking english course, tense tense chart tense kitne prakar ke hote hain tense class tense in english tense in hindi tense all tense and time tense app tense all rules tense and voice tense adda tense and its types tense and verb a tense chart a tense chart in english a tense chart with examples tense banana tense by english guru tense banane ka tarika tense basic tense class 10 tense chart image tense class 9 tense class in hindi tense chapter tense definition tense definition in hindi tense details tense download tense english tense english guru tense error tense example tense explain in hindi tense english class tense english me tense explanation tense error detection tense grammar in hindi