The Seventh Sunday after Pentecost: St. Stephen's Episcopal Church in the City of Charleston, SC
The Seventh Sunday after Pentecost July 16, 2023 11am Choral Eucharist St. Stephen's Episcopal Church in the City of Charleston, South Carolina Bulletin for this service: https://tinyurl.com/2d34254y __ We welcome you to St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, a house of prayer for all people. St. Stephen’s was founded in 1822 as a racially integrated congregation that strives to be a “house of prayer for all people” by living into the commandment to love your neighbor as yourself. Mindful of our roots, we carry forward this mission of inclusivity and radical welcome in 21st century Charleston and beyond. Emblematic of our values is the crooked cross atop our church, blown aslant but not down by Hurricane Hugo and now our symbol that amid the gales of the world we stand strong with love for all. Our congregation believes strongly in partnering with justice-minded organizations and with groups and people who offer empowerment, care and dignity as well as comfort and safety to vulnerable individuals and families in our community. Visit us at https://ststephenschs.com/