어디든지 예수 나를 이끌면 Anywhere With Jesus I Can Safely Goㅣ440장 / 찬송가 바이올린 [365찬양 yoojin Baik]
어디든지 예수 나를 이끌면 Anywhere With Jesus I Can Safely Goㅣ440장 / 찬송가 바이올린 [365찬양 yoojin Baik] 1 An-y-where with Je-sus I can safe-ly go; An-y-where He leads me in this world be-low; An-y-where with-out Him dear-est joys would fade; An-y-where with Je-sus I am not a-fraid An-y-where! an-y-where! Fear I can not know; An-y-where with Je-sus I can safe-ly go 2 An-y-where with Je-sus I am not a-lone; O-ther friends may fail me, He is still my own; Tho' His hand may lead me o-ver drear-y ways; 6월찬양 재생목록 듣기 🎻 Accompaniment (자료를 올려 주셔서 함께 찬양할 수 있도록 해주신 연주자님께 특별히 깊이 감사 드립니다 ) 구독과 알림설정으로 매일 찬양 받아보세요~🔔 축복합니다🙏🏻 Instagram @365praise_yoojinbaik #바이올린찬송가#violinpraise#365praise