Friday Night Live Improvised Jam #1 Ableton PUSH 10 Minutes Against The Clock
#ableton #abletonpush #jam #jammin #looper #looping Hi...Im spaceFACE... So on Sunday i was going to do another video of the Ableton PUSH & my improvements after MY 1ST GO video BUT instead im starting doing Friday Night Jams because for many years Friday night was a jam night in practice for our Saturday night jams with my eldest brother & i used to stream live music on a Friday & Saturday.. So i decided its time to get back on it !! 1st Friday night jam 2020 at 11pm on a Ableton PUSH which ive only had a week & have been practicing everyday... Its a steep learning curve but im getting better.. Please consider subscribing to my new channel... Check out my website for more Art & Music content here - https://pauleeuk.wixsite.com/imspaceface Im also on Facebook here - / im-spaceface-104010438210843