The 3 Healthiest Yogurts You Need To START EATING!   Dr  Steven Gundry

The 3 Healthiest Yogurts You Need To START EATING! Dr Steven Gundry

What are Healthy Yogurt options? Did you know that many mainstream yogurts found in your grocery store contain more sugar content than a bowl of ice cream? As for probiotic yogurts, many of those beneficial probiotics are usually not alive by the time they hit the shelves. So what yogurts CAN you eat? Find out in this episode as Dr. Gundry shares which yogurts you can say yes to! The tools to live a long and healthy life delivered straight to your inbox! SIGN UP for Dr. Gundry's newsletter here: --------------------- In this episode, Dr. Gundry explores: The hidden sugar content in popular yogurts and why it's a health hazard. The unique benefits of coconut yogurt and why it’s a superior choice. An in-depth review of Lava Yogurt, and its rich probiotic content. The advantages of sheep and goat milk yogurts over regular cow's milk yogurts. Yogurts to absolutely avoid to keep your health in check. Armed with this knowledge, you can now make informed decisions on which yogurts to include in your diet and which ones to steer clear of. Whether you are on a ketogenic diet, looking to improve your gut health, or just in search of healthier yogurt options, this episode is a treasure trove of valuable insights. #drstevengundry #drgundry #allulosebenefits of yogurt#7best yogurt for gut health#8best yogurt for weight loss#58coconut yogurt#56dr #gundrydr. gundrygoat milkgoat milk yogurt#16greek yogurt#52gundrygundry mdhealthiest #greek yogurt#1healthy yogurt#2healthy yogurt brands#23lectin freelectinslongevitylow sugar yogurt#59nutritionplant paradoxplant paradox #dietsheep milk yogurt#6sheep yogurt#6steven gundrythe dr gundry podcastthe plant paradoxyogurt#69gundry podcastgundry lectins