2016 Chevy Traverse LT - Transmission issues, slipping not finding a gear reset solution.

2016 Chevy Traverse LT - Transmission issues, slipping not finding a gear reset solution.

2016 Chevy Traverse LT - Transmission issues, slipping not finding a gear reset solution. When transmission slips gears or won’t go back into gear and revs up as if it’s in neutral, follow these quick steps to reset the issue and get back on the road. This is a temporary fix. Prolonging taking it into a certified transmission mechanic may cause more serious problems. This is to prevent getting stranded on the road and not a fix. 1. Find a safe place to park and turn vehicle off 2. Put key in ignition and Turn key two clicks to the on setting so lights and radio turn on but car does not start 3. Hold gas peddle to the door for at least one minute. 4. Turn key to the off position while holding gas peddel down for a minute or so then release gas. 5. Wait one minute then start the car - everything should be reset. Seafoam Trans Tune helps remove sticky substance from gears. Put an entire can in. You should notice a difference in the first 10 miles but if not in the first 100 miles, there may be another issue.