Pender UMC Traditional Worship on July 3, 2022 at 9:00 am
On Sunday, July 3, 2022, Pender Lead Pastor Will White preached on "Wash and Be Clean" based on Luke 10:1-11 and Luke 10:16-20. Our text is about obedience and about submitting to authority, but it is also about recognizing the voice of God in the voices of others. Naaman had little reason to listen to Elisha, except that he listened to the voice of the refugee girl whom he made a servant in his house. What does it take to hear the voice of God? To whom do we listen? Wash and Be Clean is from the new sermon series titled Prophet Margins. We look forward to seeing you! All of Pender's services are streamed live and in person. Masks are currently optional. Join us live at Pender UMC 12401 Alder Woods Drive, Fairfax, VA US 22033 https://penderumc.org