Marvel Studios Echo EPISODE 3 Reaction | KINGPIN is not DEAD

Marvel Studios Echo EPISODE 3 Reaction | KINGPIN is not DEAD

REACT to the SUBSCRIBE button! English: REACTION video for #MarvelEcho Episode 3: "Tuklo" where your host, Uzem, reacts to the entire episode where he sees Maya Lopez save her uncle Henry and her cousin Bonnie from being killed due to her actions that brought Wilson Fisk's henchmen directly to her hometown seeking revenge! All in all, don't forget to like the video, leave some comments, and subscribe to the channel (along with enabling notifications) to not miss out on any future uploads! Spanish: Video de REACCIÓN para #MarvelEcho Episodio 3: "Tuklo" donde su presentador, Uzem, reacciona al episodio completo donde ve a Maya López salvar a su tío Henry y a su prima Bonnie de ser asesinados debido a sus acciones que llevaron a los secuaces de Wilson Fisk directamente hacia su ciudad natal en busca de venganza! Considerándolo todo, no olvides darle me gusta al video, dejar algunos comentarios y suscribirte al canal (además de habilitar las notificaciones) para no perderte ninguna carga futura.