How does bedtime milk affect my child's teeth? - Dr. Sangeeta Honnur

How does bedtime milk affect my child's teeth? - Dr. Sangeeta Honnur

Bed time milk is the very common thing baby is going to have from the time he is born till he is grown up. Bottle or mother nursing first several months of child life is fine but as the teeth erupts beginning from 7-8 months it when the milk that stays in the mouth after the baby falls asleep can cause demineralisation as the acid break down on the tooth and start to cause cavities. A lot times we do see if the child especially over a age of a year, year and half there is quiet a decay in upper and lower six teeth which can be quiet extensive. It is very good idea as the child turns close to one year to either dilute the formula or milk and then finish it off with some water before the child falls asleep is very good habit. If the child is ready to vein off the bottle its good to have a sipper or drink from a cup. As the teeth erupt make sure we don't end up with bottle decay or ram-pen decay. Good brushing habit and making sure its clean before bed time is also very important.