스리랑카 찬양 Devidunge Balawath Kriya (දෙවිදුන්ගේ බලවත් ක්රියා) for 바이올린 & 피아노 - 듀오킨노르 (Duo Kinnor)
*듀오킨노르 (Duo Kinnor)* 바이올린 이소윤 (Amy Soyoon Yi, violin) 피아노 김민환 (Min Hwan Kim, piano) Original Song by Nishantha Gulavitage Cover by Duo Kinnor 지난 10월 Pathum Weerasuriya 목사님의 초청으로 김해제일교회 스리랑카 예배부를 방문하여 이 찬양을 함께 나누었습니다 언어는 통하지 않지만 음악으로 하나님을 함께 찬양할 수 있음이 참 감사했습니다 그래서 앞으로 간간히 세계 여러 나라의 찬양을 배우고 편곡해서 들려드리는 작업도 해 보려고 합니다 (신청곡 시리즈는 다음 영상에서 계속됩니다!) Last October, Pastor Pathum Weerasuriya invited us to the Sri Lankan service at the First Evangelical Holiness Church of Gimhae There we were introduced to this beautiful and touching Sinhala praise song We experienced how we can praise God together through music despite the language barriers, and we thought it would be a good idea to learn and arrange praise songs from many different countries - we will be uploading them from time to time *English Lyrics: The mighty works of God I witness every day The wonderful works of God I see it still today In the sky above, and on earth below God does wonders He created me in the sky He also made the rough seas He is with me even in the desert God, you are King In the sky above, and on earth below God does wonders