AC joint subluxation with scapula fracture
This patient suffered from fracture in his shoulder blade and subluxated one of his Shoulder girdle joint after an accident. After 3 weeks of immobilisation & medications when he came to us for physiotherapy, he was in lot of pain even couldn't sleep on his back raising the arm was painful, he couldn't turn in bed and his shoulder blade was quite prominent even when the arm was at rest. Before coming to us , he had started few exercises on his own, but it was not helping him. After his thorough assessment, we put him on gentle stability exercises. His exercises were gradually and carefully progressed. He was continuously monitored and reassessed at regular intervals. He was taught few exercises and was asked to come for follow up after every week. After two months of consistent efforts now he is pain-free & all his initial complaints have been resolved. Now we are working on returning him to sports so that he can play all his sports without any trouble. It takes both time & effort , both from patient and physiotherapist side to achieve such great results.