FROZEN MUSANG KING DURIANS! Would the taste & freshness the same?

FROZEN MUSANG KING DURIANS! Would the taste & freshness the same?

Let's find out how the frozen MSW taste after defrosted. I was gaven an opportunity to see how frozen durians being kept and defrost by Mr. Koo at Lexus Durian King stall. At Lexus Durian King had 2 types defrosting durians. The whole and pulp durian. The whole durian will be frozen straight away after drop from trees and being clean with tempreature - 40°C. It was kept inside styrofoam carton. Inside the carton contain 5 to 6 durians. Another was pulp durians which it was saparated from husk and kept the inside the bag and vacuum. This durian will be frozen straight away. I decided to order alacart instead buffet as at Lexus Durian King stall. Alacart can choose from @$18 or @$22 per/kg. Durian buffet @$38.80 eat all you can with 1 hours. Mr. Koo open frozen MSW durian and we try it. It was totally amazing to see the whole durian which was not much different from the fresh durians. The taste and flavour was same but only we found out slightly less creamy. In our opinion it might fermentation processes. If you want to eat the MSW durians can either walk in or call the stall to booking. Just to share the frozen durian took 3 to 4hrs to defrost. Hope you enjoy the video and consider to subscribe Larry Run Vlog channel. By press the bell button, you can get a notification once I release the new video. Thanks for watching. #djiosmoaction3 #djiaction2 #huaweip30pro #durianseason