My Dog Won't Stop Biting His Tail & It's Raw Bleeding

My Dog Won't Stop Biting His Tail & It's Raw Bleeding

My Dog Won't Stop Biting His Tail & It's Raw Bleeding It is seen that dogs love chasing their own tail. However, some dogs have a habit of chewing and   gnawing at the base of their own tail. They can bite their tail to such an extent that it may start to bleed. This leads to laceration which can be infected. Hence, these behaviors of dogs are generally discouraged. Thus, it is important that you know why dogs bite their own tail and what can you do to stop the dogs from hurting themselves. Why Does My Dog Bite His Tail? Dogs biting their tail is known as a very compulsive habit, which dogs like to do very often. In many situations the dogs may inflict injuries which are very serious upon them. They bite their tail with their teeth in such a manner that it leads to laceration which often bleeds and gets infected. There are many reasons why the dogs behave in such an abnormal way. Read More