관통사영어면접_유네스코와 유산_05.화성
#관통사영어면접, #관광통역안내사영어면접, #국내여행안내사면접, #관통사영어면접시나리오, #유네스코와유산영어로, #유네스코세계문화유산영어로, #화성영어로, #화성성역의궤, #조선왕조의궤, #유네스코기록유산, #관통사영어면접연습, #unesco, #HwaseongFortress, #AboutKorea 관통사영어면접팁관 내용 번역 및 국내여행안내사면접 준비가 궁금하다면 https://blog.naver.com/juuudy_ 빨강은 키워드, 회색은 보너스 05. Can you tell us about Hwaseong Fortress? I am very proud to tell you about Hwaseong Fortress. A total of 55 assets have been listed on UNESCO. 15 World Heritages, 18 Memory of the World, and 22 Intangible Cultural heritages. 화성 Fortress is one of the World Cultural Heritages. It is a fortress that encircles the center of 수원 city, built by King 정조 of the 조선 dynasty. It was constructed to honor his father 사도세자, 장조, and to demonstrate the nation's prosperity and the king's power. The construction used 거중기 which is created by 정약용, a tool capable of lifting heavy stones, so it could save time, labor, and expenses. During the Korean War, 화성 suffered some damage, but thanks to 화성성역의궤, part of the UNESCO Memory of the World 조선왕조의궤, it was restored to its original state. 화성성역의궤 is a record detailing the construction work. The fortress features unique military facilities such as 공심돈 and is protected by four grand gates: 장안문, 팔달문, 화서문, and 창룡문, positioned in each direction. An annual festival is held at the site. Within 수원 city, you can also find the royal tomb of King 정조, 건릉, which is designated as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage. I'm very proud of our precious assets. So we have to preserve this to be passed on to the next generation. After the pandemic, a lot of people from around the world now come to visit our country. So I am going to be a tour guide who lets the visitors know how wonderful assets we have. Thank you.