Weight loss Salad | Fit & Glow Magic Salad | Low Calorie Snacks for Weight loss & Glowing Skin

Weight loss Salad | Fit & Glow Magic Salad | Low Calorie Snacks for Weight loss & Glowing Skin

Weight loss Salad | Fit & Glow Magic Salad | Low Calorie Snacks for Weight loss & Glowing Skin Day 7/7 Fit & Glow Magic Salad Recipe for bride to be/glowing skin & weight loss. This Fit & Glow Magic Salad combines fresh ingredients packed with nutrients that support weight loss and glowing skin. For detailed recipe video comment ‘Sweet Potato’. Ingredients & calories- 100g Boiled sweet potato 1/4 cup Pomegranate seeds Fresh coriander leaves 1/2 Red onion slices 2-3 tbsp Fresh orange juice or lemon juice 1/4 cup Boiled beetroot Black pepper powder Chaat masala Salt to taste Jaggery optional Roasted peanuts or soaked almonds optional Total calories- 188cal Protein- 4.7g Fibre- 6.8g Fats- 2.5g Carbs- 37.2g Benefits- Weight Loss: Sweet potatoes are rich in fiber and help keep you full for longer, preventing overeating. Beetroot helps detoxify your body and improves metabolism. Glowing Skin: Oranges are full of Vitamin C, which helps in collagen production for smooth and radiant skin. Pomegranate is known for its antioxidant properties, which protect skin from damage and promote a healthy glow. Sweet potatoes are loaded with beta-carotene, which helps in skin cell regeneration, providing you with clear and glowing skin. Bride to Be Glow: This salad supports healthy digestion, reduces bloating, and nourishes the skin, ensuring you look radiant on your big day. Follow @learnlively for more. #BrideToBeGlow #FitAndGlow #GlowingSkin #HealthyEating #WeightLossJourney #BrideGlow #HealthyRecipes #FitLife #BeautyFromWithin #HealthyGlow #EatWellFeelGood #GlowUp #HealthyBride #SkinGlow #BrideToBeTips [ Bride to be, glowing skin, skincare, weightloss, fitness, healthy recipes, hairfall, Fitness, Gym, Healthy Lifestyle, Drinks, Juice, Salads ] Check out this list Products which I use & recommend. from learnlively https://www.amazon.in/shop/learnlivel... The content is offered on an informational basis only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the guidance of a qualified health provider before making any adjustment to a medication or treatment you are currently using, and/or starting any new medication or treatment. All recommendations are “generally informational” and not specifically applicable to any individual’s medical problems, concerns and/or needs. All the content published on this channel is our own creative work and is protected under copyright law. ©Learn Lively ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Hope you like watching this video ! Let me know in comments and share with your friends and family and don't forget to hit the LIKE👍 button😍 LET'S CONNECT ON SOCIAL MEDIA 👥 :- ❤❤❤Gmail- [email protected] ❤❤❤Instagram-   / learnlively   ❤❤❤Twitter-   / learnlively   ❤❤❤Facebook-   / learnlively.in   ❤❤❤Youtube-    / learnlively   For more such videos please SUBSCRIBE⚀ to my channel and also press the BELL ICON🔔 next to it, so that you are the first one to received my new video uploads.🙂 Thanks🙏