An Evening Prayer Before You Sleep  - Lord, I trust that You are watching over me as I sleep

An Evening Prayer Before You Sleep - Lord, I trust that You are watching over me as I sleep

End your day with peace and comfort through An Evening Prayer Before You Sleep. This heartfelt prayer thanks God for His constant presence, asks for His calming peace, and seeks His protection through the night. As you pray, surrender your anxieties and worries to God, trusting in His love and guidance. Whether you're struggling with illness, loneliness, or uncertainty, this prayer is a reminder of God’s healing touch and enduring care. Join us as we pray together for strength, peace, and renewal. #EveningPrayer #PrayerForRest #PeacefulSleep #DailyPrayers #GodsProtection 🙏 ❤️ Related to your searches: Evening Prayer Prayer Before Sleep Night Prayer Bedtime Prayer Christian Evening Prayer Peaceful Sleep Prayer Prayer for Protection Daily Prayer Simple Prayer Before Bed Prayer for Restful Sleep Prayer for Peace God’s Protection at Night End of Day Prayer Short Night Prayer Spiritual Bedtime Prayer #lord #god #jesus #faith #create2inspire #eveningprayer #dailyprayer #catholicprayer #letspraytogether #christianprayer #bedtimeprayer #nightprayer #eveningprayer #devotional #catolic #powerfulprayer #shortprayer