2024.12.1 새로운 갈등에 도전해요 (빌4:6-7) Challenge the New Conflicts (Phil. 4:6-7)- 고재연 전도사
Intro/ New conflicts 1)Inside family 2)At school 3)At church 4)In relationships 1 Blessings of Children of God 1)Rom8:2 Freed from sin and death 2)1Cor3:16 Indwelling of Holy Spirit 3)Jn14:16 With the Holy Spirit 4)Jn14:26-27 Peace from Holy Spirit 5)1Cor2:10-12 Realizing God’s Plan 6)Rom8:28 God works in all things for our good 2 WIO of God 24hrs (With, Immanuel, Oneness) 1)Jn16:7 Protects, gives Grace, Teaches us 2)Gal5:16-18 Guiding through Holy Spirit 3)1Jn 2:20-27 Holy Spirit reveals all *Receive detailed guidance from the Holy Spirit in conflict 3 What challenge will you face in a conflict? 1)Act13:1-4 Guidance of Holy spirit through prayer 2)Phil4:6-7 Change content of the conflict into my prayer topics 3)Jn15:7 Pray holding onto the covenant 4)Jn16:23-24 Pray in the name of the Christ *Challenge with faith holding onto the Covenant Conclusion/ Inside the Christ 1 Spiritual status- filling of the Holy Spirit 2 Status of Mind/fill with the Faith 3 Status of Thoughts/ fill with the Gospel 4 Life status/ fill with Thanksgiving