St. David's Episcopal Church - Sunday, March 9, 2025
If this is your first time Worshiping with us, Welcome! We hope that you feel at home here! We invite you to fill out a Visitors card, https://www.stdavidchurch.org/im-new St. David's is convenient to Roswell, Alpharetta, Milton, John's Creek, Woodstock, and North Fulton County, Georgia. We are a like-hearted and diverse community of faith gathered and shaped by Jesus’ abundant love. We are focused on growing deeply and serving passionately, that we might shine Christ’s light wherever God might call us. Please visit our website: www.stdavidchurch.org to learn more about how we are growing, shining a brighter light, and walking in love together! If you would like more information about St. David’s, please feel free to contact Rebecca Cline, at the church. Please take a moment to like our worship video and subscribe to St. David's Youtube. If you would like to give online, please follow this link: https://www.stdavidchurch.org/give