11am Solemn Mass - 26th Sunday Ordinary Time- 29th September 2024, St Patrick's Cathedral Parramatta

11am Solemn Mass - 26th Sunday Ordinary Time- 29th September 2024, St Patrick's Cathedral Parramatta

Celebrant: Very Rev Robert Riedling, Dean Deacon: Rev Mr David Dowling Music: The Choir of St. Patrick's Cathedral Parramatta, directed by Bernard Kirkpatrick KSS, assisted by Eric Grella; Organists - Dominc Hart/Stephen Smith Mass Setting: Mass of St. Christopher - Nicholas Barry (1st Year Seminarian, Archdiocese of Canberra) - Premiere performance Alleluia - Chant Mode 7 Hymns: O God of earth and space (T: LEONI) Love is his Word (T: CRESSWELL) Postlude: Holy God, we praise thy name - Flor Peeters __________